This signup for this form ended on June 29, 2019 at 3:20PM.
Come on down and visit the farm on Bogard’s 2019 VBS, Farm Fresh Faith! Everyone learns God’s faithfulness to Joseph, and His faithfulness to us too.
Joseph’s life story – his dreams, obedience, patience, confidence, and provision – in Genesis chapters 37 to 45 are the key Scriptures for this VBS. The five daily lessons highlight God is faithful:
– to keep His promises.
– to give us the strength to obey Him.
– to have a plan for me in His time.
– never to forget us.
– to care for me.
Theme Verse: Thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds.
Psalm 36:5 (KJV).
Ages: preK-6th grade
Cost: Free
June 25-27 5:30-8pm
June 28 5:30-8 (8-9:30 farm fun & hayride)
Hosted by Marion Baptist Church and Savannah Baptist at
312 W Wetz St
Email for more Info:
Raising Funds for Revival 2019
Who will be the 2019 Sumo Master!?! We are continuing our fun fundraising for this year’s revival with a little contest! Who will have to enter the ring as our Sumo Wrestling Finalists? Please bring donations to enter into the jar/couple of your choice during each service time… the least and most collected will be our wrestlers.
*Contest ends on April 28th!
Men’s Retreat April 4-6 2019
Farm Fresh Faith-Vacation Bible School 2019
Thank you to everyone who has already committed to helping with supplies and VBS week!
All supplies are due in by April 14th! Pre-Registration for Kiddos will begin April 7th!
Christmas 2018
We had a blessed time this weekend between the Ladies Dinner on Monday, Church services Wednesday, Lots of rehearsals, Saturday Night’s Annual Christmas Dinner Party, a beautiful morning of worship Sunday, and finally the youth performance of “BC Today” (Which can be seen and shared on our Public Marion Baptist Church FB page).
For some who could not attend this year, you were in our thoughts, hearts, and our prayers. Please hurry back! God bless you and keep you, everyone!
Service times will be normal next week… Wednesday at 7pm, Sun at 9:30, 10:30, and 6pm (where you can enjoy our Junior kids performance).
MBC Ladies Annual Christmas Dinner
Have you heard the news!?!
Annual Toy Drive- Bro. Zuniga Needs Our Support
Mark Your Calendar
International Song of Praise weekend was GREAT!
Birthday Celebrations
Loser eats a goldfish!
This year, the kids of Marion Baptist Church have volunteered to raise some extra funds for our upcoming 6th Annual International Songs of Praise Event, by bringing in change donations! Of course we turned it into a friendly competition! Girls against boys! Winning team gets to have an ice cream party! The Losing team chose a representative to eat a goldfish! We are so blessed by the youth of our church! What joy they bring! Go team! So…who are you rooting for?
Coming Up! 6th Annual International Song of Praise
We would love for you to come by and visit us on Sunday morning! We start Sunday school for all ages at 9:30am, Church Service begins at 10:30am. Children join us for Prayer & Worship before heading off to children’s church.
Women’s Fellowship and Tea
1st Annual Back to School Teen Conference and Celebration
We are filled with joy to be kicking off another year for the teens at Marion Baptist Church. Pastor Aaron lead all of the teens through a day filled with Faith, Standing on the Word of God, combatting peer pressure, and lots of fun games and laughter! Some of our Instruments of Praise members lead us through worship and Daryl Huff shared his own testimony and Faith with the students. Churches from nearby were invited to join in the day. If you are interested in joining in youth activities, check the calendar for upcoming events. Or leave a message at the church and someone will get back to you. Teens also meet at 9:30am on Sunday mornings for a Bible Study and 10:30 for our Worship Service.
Church Youth Trip to Missions & Youth Conference
This July our youth and chaperones joined our Pastor, Rudy and his wife Melissa, in Garland, Tx, at the Rogers Baptist Church 50th Anniversary Celebration of their Annual Youth and Missions Conference. All of the teens and church members that went had a blessed time and were able to strengthen their faith through the word of God and fellowship with other believers. We were blessed to be able to rent two vans and go down together as a group. We listened to many great sermons, theme being “The Power of One God” and were treated by the Rogers Baptist Church to many delicious meals. The way their church pulled together to serve us and love on us was a blessing to each one of us. Pastor Rudy was invited to have the honor of sharing and introducing one of our missions to the congregation there. Everyone agreed that this was a conference worth returning to.
Annual Fourth of July Jubilee at MBC 2018